
Studying in the library

Meyer Library is closed February 19th due to inclement weather. The library lobby will remain available 24/7 for current BearPass card holders.

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Articles & Databases

Articles and Databases

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General Article Databases

Database Trials

MSU Libraries arranges trial access to electronic resources to get feedback on them as part of the subscription evaluation process. During the trial period, you are encouraged to use these e-resources and provide feedback via Feedback.

Journal Finder

Journal Finder

MSU doesn't have the article you are looking for? Request it through Interlibrary Loan

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Subject Guides

Subject Guides

Subject Guides contain resources related to subjects, topics, or courses. Types of resources within each guide include books, reference materials, journals, selected databases, websites, etc...all vetted by your friendly librarians.

List of all guides

Library attendant helping a student
Graduate certificate
For fully certified teachers who want to become school librarians.

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