Course Reserves
Placing Items on Reserve (form for Instructors)
Please review the following policies before completing the Course Reserve Request Form.
- Please provide all requested information. For complete citations this includes author, title, date, page numbers, etc.
- Provide the call number for any item placed on reserve from MSU's collection. Photocopies and other items provided by the instructor should be noted as Personal Copy.
- Photocopied chapters and articles should only be used one semester under “fair use.” To use multiple times, you need to have permission from the publisher. When photocopying from a book no more than 10% of the book is allowed. When photocopying from a journal, only one article is allowed per issue. The instructor must sign the reserve form themselves, since permission to use the material was given to them. Keep copyright permission letters handy in case any questions surface regarding the reserve material.
- Videos and sound recordings may be placed on reserve for in-house use only.
- Materials (other than photocopies) received through Interlibrary Loan cannot be placed on reserve.
- Please remember to supply a password for all electronic reserves. The password is case sensitive, and only the instructor can give out the password. Library staff cannot give out the password to anyone but the instructor.